May 28, 2007

Round 2

Sweet baby Lexi at 2 weeks
We have a new baby, Alexa Grace, born April 2 and weighing in at 8 pounds 15 ounces. She is a sweetheart with a gentle disposition. She rarely cries and almost sleeps through the night. Anna loves her although has taken to biting her and hitting her when she is taking up too much of mommy's time. Lexi has white hair and eyebrows and has rolls of fat everywhere! She is cute enough to eat. Who knew two babies under 2 could be so rewarding?
Anna, 20 months.
After reminding her of the picture of Jesus by her bed, she said, "Jesus--can't hold him. Jesus big man." Everything is divided into 2 categories in Anna's mind - the things you can hold, and the things you can't.
"Daddy's orange". Referring to daddy's hair and comparing it to the orange magnet on the fridge. "Anna's white".
Anna on our swing.
Lexi at the hospital.

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