April 21, 2006

Fun in the Sun, 8 1/2 months

I'm 8 1/2 months now and this is me playing at the pool! I just learned to crawl last week and I love to sit in my highchair at the piano. My first and only word is Mama, but I make all kinds of crazy sounds and am very talkative.

Here's me getting into trouble again. My Daddi is the best in the whole world. I get so excited to see him when he gets home from school. Now that I'm mobile, I love to make my Mama chase me everywhere. We play hide and seek and I scoot to find her. I got 5 teeth last week and an infection on my neck from drooling so much. That wasn't fun. Mama and Daddi got a big dose of reality and had a chance to learn patience.

Getting ready to go surfing at the pool. :) My mom says I'm pretty much the cutest thing she's ever seen. She's not biased at all.

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