There's something about an evening out with Willie Nelson that brings out the inner outlaw. For many, I suspect it was their anthem. He must have been one hundred and five- but his voice didn't give away his age. His raw sound, melodic guitar lines, and undeniable talent for song-writing have the power to alert you to a side of yourself you may not have known existed, or has simply been dormant (as in my case) for too long. The real stories of simple people, one-liners, and memorable melodies connected me with humanity on a level that I imagine unite many a different background. While Boone has a knack for drawing an interestingly Rastafarian-hippy crowd, tonight the cowboys, professionals, moms, grandpas, teens, and rednecks joined in. There was real music and heartfelt stories of tragedy and excess that took me back to the days of my childhood when my mother played his records. Here's to authenticity, passion, and real musicians. Go Willie!